Raviraj Zinzuvadia, Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Mumbai University
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study and creation of computer systems capable of performing activities and solving issues that would normally need human intelligence. The term refers to a project aiming at developing systems with human-like cognitive skills, such as the capacity to reason, detect meaning, generalise, and learn from prior experiences. AI can use a database of relevant precedent and a case's particular fact pattern as inputs to analyse data and predict the outcomes of ongoing cases. Lawyers can use artificial intelligence to locate relevant precedents and forecast the chances of a favourable outcome. The are applications of AI are discussed in this paper. AI can assist in the analysis of both bulk and individual contracts. Many Natural language processing solutions are being developed that extract and contextualise essential information across a company's complete body of contracts, making it easier for all stakeholders to analyse the company's commercial commitments. Lawyers check facts and data as well as thoroughly studying previous case judgments in order to provide sound counsel to their clients. Artificial intelligence technologies can help these lawyers around the world in conducting due diligence more quickly and accurately since this activity is often tiring for humans. AI can use a database of relevant precedent and a case's particular fact pattern as inputs to analyse data and predict the outcomes of ongoing cases. It has access to a plethora of judgements. Lawyers can use artificial intelligence to locate relevant precedents and forecast the chances of a favourable outcome, hence helping them in litigation. New research methods that have a stronger semantic understanding of the true meanings of judicial judgments are being created. These platforms go above and beyond mechanical key-word matching to bring up the most up-to-date laws. Once a certain type of document has been identified as important, machine learning algorithms might strive to find other papers that are as relevant. Legal research has transformed immensely with the developments in AI.