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How Land Changed The People!

Madhavraje Patwardhan, ILS Law College, Pune


The resource of land is something that has a deep rooted effect on our culture, faith, social practices and on the politics that is played in our country. In terms of culture it has varying impacts on what people think, attitude they have towards rights and the social effect of that. A good example could be the proprietary rights given to the successors of feudatory lords that were vested either in the first born male child or in the male children as an example of this custom and making an impact on the way people think and the social fabric. This led to large scale female infanticide which was previously unknown in Asian nations where women not considered Goddesses1 and in many places are given more importance than men in religious parlance. These practices have led to the ensuring meaning of freedom of equality, as a fundamental right in constitutions across Asia.

Due to the lack of time and word limit this paper has been written in a summary format using the research methodology of a literary review in order to cover and analyse this topic.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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