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Grant Lands: Alienation And Status Of Land After Conversion In Karnataka

Niharika R, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)


Grant lands are piece of lands granted to certain persons or group of persons for welfare purposes and are restricted to transfer the same so that there is no profit made out of the welfare measure. It may include land granted to ex- servicemen, widows, a particular class of people and so. The grantees of such land are generally subjected to certain conditions and restrictions. One of those restrictions include the non-alienation of such grant land in order to avoid any profit from a welfare measure. The land laws in Karnataka also restricted a person from holding more that a prescribed amount of agricultural land which has been relaxed vide the recent land reforms. The question as to the status of grant land after conversion and the nexus between the order for conversion by the Deputy Commissioner and the permission by the State Government for alienation was made clear by the Karnataka High Court. The Court established the status of the grant lands ones it is converted.

Keywords: Alienation, Conversion, Grant Land


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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