Pramod, Universal Group of Institutions
Meghna Mirnalni, WBNUJS
Democracy is the best type of government out of many i.e., dictatorship, monarchy, anarchy, and oligarchy. Democracy is known for providing transparent and good governance by providing equality to its all citizens, smooth and answerable administration, and bringing the obligatory feelings towards the subjects thereof. Why Democracy is known as the best kind of government can be made out of the famous quote of a nation of Gods, it would govern itself democratically. A government so perfect is not suited to men.” Rousseau “If there were India is the welfare and a democratic setup, which means real power belongs to the people and they play a direct or indirect role in decision making. It is therefore quite obvious that whether the nation is going to be on the track to success or failure, totally depends on the awareness of the consciousness of the voters, but the awareness and the consciousness of the voters are highly influenced and vitiated by the freebie culture prevalent in Indian politics. Luring the gullible voters in return for free stuff that political parties promise to offer after winning the election is no how less than giving the bribe and therefore it being an unethical practice, should be abridged. Freebie culture is deeply rooted in the Indian context and it is not a fresh concept. In current times it has developed as a big problem in Indian politics. In the year 2013, the apex court observed that “freebies impact the people at large scale and also shake the root of free and fair election at large scale” and directed the Election commission of India to draft a model code of conduct for parties and politicians for conducting of free and fair election throughout India but it failed to solve the problem. This article tries and intends to put
light on the various factors associated with freebies, and the and tries to find out probable solution.
Keywords: Democracy, Manifesto, Economic consequences, Freebies, Support