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Exploring Fundamental Rights In The Indian Constitutional Landscape

V. Rajendiran, Research Scholar, School of Law, Pondicherry University

Dr. G. Subhalakshmi, Assistant Professor, School of Law, Pondicherry University


This paper explores the tenets of the Indian Constitution as well as the changing interpretations of fundamental rights. The purpose of this essay is to present an understandable summary of fundamental rights within the framework of India's constitution. It clarifies the definition, importance, and function of fundamental rights in preserving individual liberty. The purpose of this paper is to help readers understand the fundamental rights that India has guaranteed them by providing clear explanations. It clarifies the dynamic interaction between individual liberty and society interests by examining significant court rulings, legislative actions, and academic discourse.

Keywords: Fundamental right, protection, Indian Constitution, Rights jurisprudence.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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