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Emerging Cybercrimes: An Analysis

Prabhakar Chakravorty, MKES College of Law, University of Mumbai


Cybercrime is not a stand-alone subject; it is a combination of multiple subjects including scientific and social subjects and all these subjects should be well protected by the laws. The initiatives started to protect should be by one and all, either by imparting cyber education, developing systematic technologies, creating social media platform standards or initiating cyber protection processes through effective applications of laws. There has been ample development by the respective state governments and the Ministry of Home Affairs within the ambit of their respective jurisdictions. Many non- government organizations have also stepped up their efforts against cybercrime.

The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) was established on October 2018 and its purpose is to develop a centralized mechanism to control cyber-crimes in India, where people can file hassle-free complaints and can understand different kinds of scams with a proper understanding of how to mitigate them. It can be seen as a major step in protection against cyber crimes by the Government of India. This paper runs a comparative analysis between cyber frauds, revenge pornography, online grooming and interpersonal relationships, and the initiatives taken on each category also will highlight key points on government and non-government organizations working. It gives a complete analysis of India’s participation against cyber crimes and laws with their implications.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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