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Drug Abuse In India- An Analysis Of The Reality

B Ravisankar, School of Legal Studies, CUSAT


India is currently facing an unprecedented problem of drug abuse. The number of users and the quantity of substance in the market has been constantly on the rise. Drugs have been in use in India from time immemorial. But today the proportions of its use have changed drastically. Nowadays, drugs are available in the market in varying quantities and prices. It is alarming to note that a large number of youths are resorting to drugs to get relief from stress. What is even more concerning is the close nexus between drugs and crime. Crime rates in India have gone up significantly over the last decade and many studies show that drug abuse have contributed immensely towards criminal activities. Illicit drug trafficking is prevalent across all states in India. In fact, illicit drug trafficking is one of the major sources of terror funding. ‘Narco terrorism’ is the new phenomenon that is threatening the security of the country. While surveys have been conducted to collect data on the drug situation in the country, they have not been accurate due to large scale underreporting. In this article, an effort is being made to analyse the prevailing drug situation in the country. The fact that despite there being many laws to combat drug trade and use, but still there is only an increase in its use, that too at a rapid pace, is something to be concerned.

Keywords: Drug abuse, Illicit Drug trafficking, Narco terrorism, Darknet, Substance Use


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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