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Determinants Of Child Healthcare In Developing Nations – Political And Social Outlook

Urvi Singh, Sakshi Mittal & Akshit Saini, Bennett University


This research paper provides an overview of child healthcare determinants in social and political contexts. We can term social determinants of health as the environment where a person is born or lives. Further, in various developing and developed countries, it can be observed that socioeconomic status plays a role as a major determinant. This report also includes several conceptualizations and evidence of many social variables that have an impact on a child's health. The researcher in this paper will recognize the disciplines of social determinants which are economic, social, as well as economic. The first chapter of the paper is concerned with the meaning of a child's social determinants of health. Furthermore, it focuses on the social, economic, and political reasons for health and development disparities, the relationship between social determinants and health, gender equality and health, racism as a social determinant, socioeconomic position, and women empowerment. Further, chapter 2 of the paper will focus on the WHO commission’s findings as well as the situation of social determinants of child health in various countries. Finally, chapter 3 focuses on numerous actions that are necessary to address social determinants disparities, as well as future initiatives.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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