Deplatformed: An Analysis Of The Ability Of Current Trade Unionism To Efficaciously Represent Workers In The Platform Economy
Aditya Danturty, National Law University, Odisha
The platform economy is a burgeoning tangent of the overall economy that is driving employment of an altered nature. These platforms are driven by platform workers who are a novel category of workers as opposed to traditional forms of employment. The role of advancing workers’ rights is fulfilled by trade unions. This article advances the case for altering the structure of trade unionism to enable unions to represent platform workers and advance their cause. Initially, the article delves into trade unions in general and goes on to explore the novel platform economy. The issues of platform workers are investigated while testing the efficacy of trade unions, as they are presently structured, to deal with them. The article then goes on to consider each important stakeholder and the changes they must implement to bring about an altered form of trade unionism that is effective in representing platform workers.