Rafihi Said Mnete, Master Student at Faculty of Law of Zanzibar University
Separation of powers is considered an important practice in any democratic government to ensure good governance and general welfare of the people in a country. In Zanzibar, the constitution stipulates the country is adhering to separation of powers, but several cases have been reporting to show there is a violation of the important items that are stipulated by the doctrine of separation of powers. It is from this violation that the researcher intended to study the doctrine of separation of powers and see it importance in examining powers of different organs of the government. This study examined the Discrepancy of Separation of Power and its Applicability in Zanzibar. The study sampled a total of 60 respondents using qualitative analysis and various sampling techniques. Data were collected using face to face interviews and questioner as tools for collecting data. The data analysis was done in descriptive way because it is easy to understand. The researched was analyzed in relying with the objectives. The findings resulted from Lawyers, Politicians, Administrators as well as the Members from the society. The survey was effectively conducted in Pemba and Unguja Zanzibar and it was very effective. The discrepancies were realized within the organs of the government. It was found that the separation of power in Zanzibar exist despite such discrepancies. The legislations and constitution addressed the separation of powers the challenges remain in the implementation. In general the study results shows that, the constitution contains some weaknesses which needs reforms so as to correct and remove the contractions that hinders effective adherence to the doctrine.
Keywords: Separation of powers, legislations, constitution, Zanzibar