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Cyber Stalking And Harassment In India: A Matter Of Great Concern

Aadya Dipti

Aadya Dipti, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan


Cyber stalking is a new type of crime emerging in this technological world. Technologies are discovered for the benefit of the people and to make people’s life easier. Today there are millions of users of internet and technological devices. While these mediums are making our life easy on other hand it is creating problems and new types of crimes. In cyber stalking one person is being targeted and followed through online medium, violating his/her privacy. Cyber stalker usually target women and harass them. They use internet, e-mail and other electronic devices to stalk their target. Person who is stalking have no fear of getting identified as they are using fake accounts to target. The author has made an attempt to describe about cyber stalking and harassment. There are various reasons for cyber stalking and harassment. The author also attempts to discuss the increasing cases of cyber stalking and harassment in India and impact of Corona virus lockdown on these cases. Legislative provisions related to cyber stalking in Indian laws specifically with respect to Indian penal code and Information Technology Act has been discussed. There shall be explanation as how these provisions are related to cyberstalking. We cannot always rely on the government administration or legislative provisions; we should take steps for our safety from stalker.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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