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Critical Analysis Of Revocation And Reopening Of Partition

T. Arvind, B.A. LL.B., VIT School of Law, Chennai


Hindus place a high value on the Hindu joint family, an old and distinctive institution. A Hindu any generation, as well as their wives, widows, and unmarried daughters. The idea of a son's birth right in joint family property serves as the foundation for the Mitakshara Concept of the coparcenary. Not just the son, but also the son of the son and the son of the son of the son gain a birth right stake in the joint family property. Coparceners are members of the coparcenary who have a stake in it by virtue of their birth. Subject to certain limitations, all coparceners in the coparcenary have the ability to request partition. This research paper will first give a brief outline of what reopening a partition is, who and what it entails, and who might request one in a joint family home. It will next analyse the circumstances under which a partition that has previously been affected may be reopened. After a brief comment on Hindu joint families or coparcenary being reunited by revocation, the paper moves on to its concluding paragraphs.

Keywords: Hindu joint family, reopening, revocation, partition, coparcenary, reunification.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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