Sampat Singh, LLM (Criminal Law), Sardar Patel University of Police Security and Criminal Justice, Jodhpur
Criminalization in politics is a big concern in current scenario and it is expanding , I choose this topic because after independence when the literacy rate of our country was not so good and communication technology was also not so developed but still people elected good leaders as compared to current scenario ,the leader they choose had good character, respect in society and had a profound profession like doctors, lawyers and farmer but in current scenario when people are educated and aware still they choose leaders with criminal background why?. In this research I found some shocking fact. In my research I found that still people vote the leaders of their caste and religion despite of having criminal background. In this 48.7 % people admitted that they voted the candidate of their caste and 36.5 people have voted the leader with criminal background. In my research I found that 29.3% people do not check the criminal background of political leader. In India we have The Representation of people Act and Indian penal code which punish the criminal political leaders and prevent them from contesting election but 80.3% people still believe that lack of good laws is the cause of criminalization in politics. In 2014 election 34% of elected member of Lok S Sabha had criminal record where as in 2019 it reached to 43% nearly 26% enhancement.