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Corporate Governance And Rigid Administrative Regulation Of A Company: A Legal Introspection

Prerna Tiwary, Assistant Professor, Jharkhand Rai University

Kushagra Vikram, Assistant Professor, Jharkhand Rai University


The building blocks to both publicly owned and private commerce upon which the success of economy is based is referred to as good governance. Thus, the rules and regulations construed to run an international or national institute is to be of a stern order and a model recommendation that is to serve the purpose of laying down rules to be abided by the directors to calibrate their conduct.

Corporate governance is a concept that has many theories to define its meaning. Some conceptualize it in a narrow manner that it is only focused on board of directors’ structure and functioning and their relationship with the key managerial personnel in course of smooth running of the company. It is inherently present in the code of conduct of a company. A broader concept involves company’s relation with different institutions and organizations and even takes in account the conduct of its shareholders emphasizing on their internal relationship, the functioning of general meetings in relation to the financial market of the commerce.

This study relates to the implementation of the corporate governance and regulations thus followed and implemented by the administration of the company itself with further dive into the theories and developments.

Keywords: administration, board of directors, Corporate Governance, international law, judicial analysis.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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