Kamal Kishor, National Law University, Nagpur
Cyberspace is a virtual world, which technically exists only in computer memory, but it is interactive and pulsing with life. In cyberspace, one can meet and talk to new people, read, publish, research, hear music, see videos, look at art, purchase and sell things, access government documents, send e-mail, download software, and receive technical support. Cyberspace is a living organism yet one of the biggest issues concerning the internet is the protection of intellectual property i.e., works of the mind.
The database and the most of the digital materials are protected under the copyright act. Though, Section 13 and 63 of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, protects literary works, pictures, sound recordings, and other creative works from being copied without the permission of the copyright holder. It is yet unclear how copyright law governs or will govern these materials as they appear on the internet. This paper does an in-depth study of the various judgments of the apex court with reference to copyright infringement in cyberspace and critically analyses the stance taken by the court.
Keywords: Cyberspace, Copyright, Internet