Consideration Of Scientific Evidence By The Criminal Justice Administration In Sexual Offences Against Women
Priyank Jagawanshi, Assistant Professor, Christ Academy Institute of Law, Bengaluru & Ph.D. Research Scholar, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
Number of crimes against women have been increasing day by day even after having several strict legal frameworks in place. No deterrence have been showcased by the judgments or cases decide by the Indian judiciary. Such ineffective deterrence against the offences against the women have been present due to inefficient investigation process and less consideration of the scientific evidence in investigations and trials. Sexual offences and violence against women are the major offences committed against women. But due to ineffective investigation, justice have not been provided to the victim. Indian Criminal Justice Administration is facing several issues with respect to proceedings in sexual offences against women. Justice delivery is hampered by the traditional method of consideration of the evidence and deciding the cases on the basis of it. Due to advent of the technologies and scientific development, sexual offences can be detected with more authenticity. These sources are more authentic and reliable comparing with other traditional methods. Indian Criminal Justice Administration needs to recognise the significance of the scientific methods in investigation and trials. Most of the cases go unpunished due to non-recognition of the evidences of collected through scientific methods. And large number of cases such scientific tools and methods have not been adopted to reach the conclusion of innocence and guilt of the accused. This chapter will showcase about the significance of scientific evidence in investigation and in trials with respect to sexual offences against women and how it will put the effective deterrence in the commission of such offences.
Keywords: Sexual Offences, Scientific Evidence, Investigation, Indian Criminal Justice Administration