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Competition Law And Indian Hospital Industry

Tanmay Patidar, BBA. LL.B., Unitedworld School of Law, Gandhinagar


Every nation works to raise the bar for health and provide everyone with access to basic medical facilities since health is a fundamental human right and a key measure of that nation's commitment to the wellbeing of its citizens. Numerous legal penalties, both domestically and internationally, have led to this right to health. International law recognizes the right to health as a fundamental human right. Serving the wide range of healthcare requirements of the country's enormous population, the Indian hospital sector is an important component of the country's healthcare ecosystem. As the need for high-quality healthcare services grows, it is critical to create an atmosphere that encourages fair competition in this sector. This research looks at how competition law and the Indian hospital sector interact. It also looks at the legal environment, the dynamics of the market, and prominent instances of anti-competitive behavior. The Competition Act, 2002 offers the necessary legal framework to protect both consumer interests and competition. Ensuring competition within the healthcare sector is critical, given its key role in both public welfare and economic prosperity. This study adds to our knowledge of the dynamics of competition in the Indian hospital sector and highlights the necessity of sensible regulatory policies that promote competition while guaranteeing high-quality healthcare for all.

Keywords: Competition, Healthcare, Hospital, Anti-Competitive, Pharmaceutical


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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