Sunil Nisi Kumar. A, The Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, School Of Excellence In Law (SOEL)
Trafficking in historically linked to slavery, which involves the sale and purchase of human beings as chattel, treating them as commodities that could be bought and sold. Child trafficking is generally defined as the process of recruitment transfer, transport, harbor, or receipt of a person under the age of 18 for the purpose of exploitation. The constitution of India explicitly prohibits trafficking of human beings and forced labour and makes both offences punishable under Article 23(1) of Indian Constitution. The international law say that the trafficked person cannot be discriminated simply became they are non-national. The international human law applies to everyone within a territory of jurisdiction regardless of the nationality or citizenship and how they came to be within the territory. The anti trafficking measures need to be spread throughout the globe especially in trafficking prove area both rural and urban.
Keywords: Anti trafficking, Article 23, slavery child.