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Challenges And Nuances Of Second Appeal And Substantial Question Of Law

Nandita Krishnan & Nikkitha Krishnan


The courage to fight comes to light with the hope that justice will prevail over anything. The concept of second appeal gives faith to the society that justice can be sought for under any circumstances. This seems to be the rough understanding by the society. But the statute doesn’t promise to provide only justice when it comes to second appeal. There is always a lapse between the books and reality which the society fails to analyze and balance between.

The concept of Second Appeal is explained and interpreted in the Code of Civil Procedure,1908. Sections 100 – 103 deals with the concept of Second Appeals i.e APPEALS FROM APPELLATE DECREES. This paper shall have the nuances of this concept discussed in detail with the relevant case studies to substantiate the finding of the study.

Keywords: Code of Civil Procedure,1908, Appeals, Second Appeals, Section 100, Remedy etc.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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