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Case Analysis: Hussain Bhai Calicut V. Alath Factory Thozhilali Union, Air 1978, 1978 Air 1410, 1978



With the huge number of legislations that have resulted from it, Indian labour laws appear to be extremely protective of its unorganised sector, but the truth speaks for itself, with labour being a topic of Concurrent List. Although legislation such as the Industrial Disputes Act (1947) changed labour reform in India, other characteristics, such as the one discussed in this case, remain. Even with specific legislations such as the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act of 1970, many issues remain unsolved. The case established one of the most important concepts of labour law, namely, the regular employment of industrial employees who were first hired through an intermediary, in this case, independent contractors, when the intermediaries shied away from the obligation of providing them with work.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

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ISSN: 2582-8878


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