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Case Analysis: Fundamental Duties As A Social Responsibility

Arshita Jain, Symbiosis Law School


The Constitution of India is the most supreme law in our country. Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties go hand in hand wherein Fundamental Rights protects one from injustice by enforcing them and duties help one to contribute to the welfare of the nation as well as its sovereignty and integrity. Moreover, in AIIMS Student Union v. AIIMS1 it was recognized by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India that both Fundamental Rights and Duties carry equal importance. As rights come with one’s privileges, duties act as a reminder for them to act with responsibility. The idea of incorporating these Fundamental Duties were taken by Japanese and Chinese Constitutions. They looked at the social aspects which form a part of Part IV A consisting of Article 51 A of Indian Constitution. It lays down different duties that citizen of a country must ideally abide by.

The Fundamental Duties were not originally a part of our constitution but were eventually added on through amendments. The duties became an epitome of democracy as a lot of major democracies did not have such duties that citizens had to follow. These included abiding by Constitution, never disrespecting our countries’ pride that includes the National Anthem as well as the flag, to protect and uphold the sovereignty of country, defend it whenever the nation demands so, providing education, protecting the women of nation and give them equal respect and to bring a shift in their status in a patriarchal dominated society, to preserve the environment and adapt sustainability in a manner future generations don’t suffer, to develop and invest upon technological advancements on humanitarian basis and to strive towards a path of excellence in all fields.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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