Rajat Balodi, Delhi Metropolitan Education, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
(Artificial intelligence in its most basic form, integrates computer science with substantial data sets to facilitate problem solving. One of the "founders" of artificial intelligence is Professor John McCarthy of Stanford University. In 1955, he gave the definition of AI as "the science and technology of creating intelligent machines." Numerous economic areas, including the legal sector, are being transformed by AI. AI is having a significant impact on the legal profession and legal education, changing traditional practice, boosting productivity, and expanding the spectrum of skills available to lawyers. But there are also two sides to the coin, due to lack of transparency and ethical concerns. Some AI models are unclear about how they arrive at their decisions and conclusions. This lack of transparency can affect lawyers' ability to justify their claims and reasoning and weaken trust in the legal system. The ethical implications of AI in the legal industry may raise several questions. Finally, should we trust AI for tasks that require human judgment?)
Keywords: artificial intelligence; legal profession; law education; development; legal tech.)