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Artificial Intelligence: A Means Of Ensuring Access To Health

Mariya Fatma, Research Scholar, VIT School of Law, VIT, Chennai, & Dr. P.R.L. Rajavenkatesan, Associate Professor, VIT School of Law, VIT, Chennai


Right to health care and well being is one of the basic Right of a person affirmed by different international conventions and guaranteed by the constitution, which cannot be attained without proper and updated health care system. The health care system needs to incorporate the technological advancement. Artificial Intelligence use in the health care sector, has helped in increasing the efficiency in the research area, vaccine, and medicines manufacture, distribution, tracking and pandemic assessment. However there are few legal challenges in the when it comes to use of Artificial intelligence. This paper aims to analyse the right to health and how incorporation of Artificial Intelligence technology in the healthcare system has helped in realizing the same.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Right to Health, COVID-19


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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