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Analysis Of The Concept Of Distributive Justice: From Theories To Practice

Abhinay Singh & Shubham Sudhashil


The notion of distributive justice has been a central theme in philosophical & juristic discussions for centuries, with various perspectives shaping how societies are structured. Envision a world where every individual has equal access to a fulfilling life. This principle lies at the heart of distributive justice, a complex concept that has captivated the minds of thinkers throughout history. This article explores into the intricacies of this thought provoking subject, examining the diverse approaches taken by influential thinkers such as John Rawls, Robert Nozick, John Locke, Jeremy Bentham and Amartya Sen in addressing the issue of equitable allocation of resources and opportunities.

The article will provide insight into the concept of distributive justice and its significance. While wealth inequality is a well-known concern, distributive justice encompasses much more than financial disparities; it pertains to guaranteeing that all individuals have equitable access to essential resources for their well-being, including healthcare and education. Further moving beyond the confines of the philosophical discussion, the article will explore the practical application of these profound ideas. What obstacles must we overcome in our pursuit to establish a society rooted in justice? And how might we navigate the complexities of policy-making and reform through the lens of equity and morality? Finally the article will ty to put forth the significance of distributive justice as a transformative force in creating a more fair and just society for all. This shift from theoretical understanding to tangible actions holds the potential to enact meaningful change and improve the lives of individuals across the globe.

Keywords: Distributive justice, Libertarian, Utilitarian, Economic equality, Socialism.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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