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Analysis Of Code On Social Security, 2020 With Respect To Unorganised Workers

Analysis Of Code On Social Security, 2020 With Respect To Unorganised Workers With A Focus On The Crisis Caused Due To Pandemic Covid 19

Niimisha Kaul, Research Scholar, USLLS, GGSIPU


The Unorganised Sector in India was distressed during the lockdown because of the pandemic Covid 19. The enormous informal workforce in India was the most brutal hit, accounting for 75% of the 122 million jobs destroyed. According to the report "The Inequality Virus" published by Oxfam India in its Davos India Supplement, 2021, the 40-50 million seasonal migrant workers, who often work on construction sites, factories, and other similar places, were particularly distressed.

In India, welfare legislation existed for the unorganised sector before the pandemic Covid 19, but these Unorganised Workers suffered a great deal.

The Labour legislations are undergoing a significant transformation in India. The Central Government is replacing twenty-nine labour legislations with four labour codes.

In this paper, the researcher is analysing one of the four labour codes named- The Code on Social Security, 2020, in light of understanding how this code will aid in protecting the Unorganised Sector in future with a focus on times of crisis like the pandemic Covid 19.

Keywords: Covid 19, India, Unorganised Workers, Social Security


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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