Felix Cherian Alex & Lucy Sara George, Kerala Law Academy Law College, Peroorkada, Trivandrum
“The truth about action must be known and the truth of inaction also must be known; even so, the truth about prohibited action must be known. For mysterious are the ways of action.”
Information is the currency that citizens require to contribute in the existence and governance of society. Access to information is critical for enabling citizens to exercise their voice, to effectively monitor and hold government to account, and to enter into informed dialogue about decisions which affect their lives. It is seen as vital for empowering all citizens, including vulnerable and excluded people, to claim their broader rights and entitlements.
The paper mainly focuses on an international perspective to the right to information. At the outset, this paper gives an introduction on what information is and how it is a basic right of humans. It also addresses in brief the availability of the right in countries of the world. The paper also discusses about the right to information and how access to information is considered a basic human right around internationally. The paper concludes with an analysis of right to information from a global approach.