Jayaveerapandi P & Bavanaash VA, B.A.LL.B. (Hons), Saveetha School of Law
The paper deals with the status of transgender in society. Transgender was declared as ‘Third gender’ in 2014. Even after four years of this landmark judgment, transgenders are still fighting for equal status in society. Though The fact that the status of Transgender has increased comparatively before, can not be denied. Many families have started to accept them; people have started to rent their house to them and even give them employment opportunities. But the majority of society still refuses to accept them. Transgenders face direct discrimination and denial while accessing houses or apartments. Further, they also face problems due to lack of provision of gender neutral/separate transgender toilets and discrimination in accessing public toilets. Transgender people are unfit to access equal educational opportunities because of harassment, discrimination and indeed violence. Most transgender children are forced to drop out of seminaries as Indian seminaries remain unequipped to handle children with indispensable sexual identities. Transgender individuals are often ostracized by society and sometimes, even their own families view them as burdens and exclude them. This paper discusses the difficulties faced by transgender in the present society. It also focuses on society's changing attitude toward them. A study has been conducted among 202 respondents to extract their opinion on transgender and to observe the public’s view. The collected data has been analyzed by using the SPSS package in which percentage analysis is used. The Result conveys that only 11% of the total respondents have transgender as their colleague while only 8.5% have them living in their neighborhood.
Keywords: Discrimination, Gender Dysphoria, Gender identity, harassment, humiliation, sexual orientation.