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An Analysis On The Problems Faced By Women Prisoners In India

Aarthi Shankar, BA LLB (Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS) Saveetha University, Chennai


Women prisoners are a small majority of the total prison population compared to that of Male prisoners. Most of the female prisoners face many health problems than male prisoners and they suffer from many health problems and need a proper health care system in order to maintain their health. Most women inmates undergo stress as there is a need for them to adapt to the new environment. They face unique challenges compared to the Male respondents. Female inmates undergo sexual abuse, disparate disciplinary practices, lack of substance abuse treatment, poor sanitary facilities, Lack of decent health care, overcrowding in jail and lack of mental and physical activities. In order to maintain a proper prison administration there are certain rights which are guaranteed to the prisoners under our Indian Constitution. It includes the right to free legal aid, right to have interviews with friends, relatives and lawyers, right against inhuman treatment, right to basic minimum needs such as drinking water, hygiene, medical care, clothing, bedding etc. The Ministry of Home affairs has framed ‘Model Prison Manual’. In Tamil Nadu, the state government has opened up educational institutions for women prisoners. Both the female and male respondents have agreed that lack of financial support, poverty and lack of social support are factors which lea to the rise of women prisoners and lack of decent health care, poor sanitation are the major health problems faced by the female inmates and it is concluded by stating that the government should implement the guidelines and measures taken by the ministry in the development of the health condition in the prison for women should be implemented properly and thus the government should ensure that the female inmates are provided with respondents in the age group 18-50 years are collected. By using graphical Total number of 520 sample representation the dependent variables are the problems faced by the female inmates and challenges & issues faced by them and independent variables are age, gender and educational qualifications and occupation. From the survey it is found that basic health care facilities and also the rights given to them should be guaranteed without any discrimination.

Keywords: Healthcare, Overcrowding, Lack of financial support, Sexual abuse and Poverty.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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