Nikhat Ashraf, Aligarh Muslim University Centre Murshidabad
Origin of every human being lies in women. She exists in various forms like daughter, sister, wife and mother. Earlier women were under the control of the father after marriage under the control of the husband and after the husband she was under control of her son. Even this practice is still prevalent. They can't take their decisions and are not allowed to be independent. Girls are considered as property. You can use them as you want. But slowly and gradually the position of women is changing. Now women are found in every field of activity in India and abroad. Still people practice child marriage. That practice causes serious damage to the girl's mental and physical health. The cause of dowry is poverty, and fathers consider their daughters a burden. That's why he wants relief by early marriage of their daughter. Another cause of early marriage is the enhancement in the dowry demands and high inflation rate. Despite the fact that accepting dowry is prohibited by law, Very often people talk about the legal eligibility of marriage for girls, their wishes, education and consent. The government has also prescribed the minimum legal age of marriage for girls is 18 and for boys as 21. But why is there a difference in the age of marriage of boys and girls? Because there is belief and perception that the girls mature faster and if they mature faster as compared to boys so they should get married at an early age. Another reason may be that there is a patriarchal mindset that boys have to run a family so they should be older than girls. In this article the author will discuss the historical background of girls' marriages, law related to marriages, its practical implications and Will the higher age of marriage really empower women- The probable solutions for child marriage will also be discuss in the article.