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AI And Copyright: The Authorship Adversity In The Protection Of Artificial Works

Kopparthi Bhaskara Narayana, Banaras Hindu University

Kumar Kartik, Banaras Hindu University


The incongruity of Artificial Intelligence generated ‘works’ is widely covered by dispersed academic discourse. Eclipsing mere calculations, computers and AI now routinely paint,write, instruct and compose poetry among others. With this sudden yet anticipated technological propulsion not mirrored by global intellectual property laws, our current frameworks are unequipped to deal with AI produced works, instead falling prey to the risk of not serving those principles to which they were created to protect and foster. This article seeks to examine the incompatibility of present copyright law regarding authorship and consequent copyright vestation in AI created artwork with special focus on foundational and current US law and Indian legal positions.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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