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Addressing The Menace Of Cybersquatting: India V. U.S.A

Anuja Saraswat, NMIMS Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, Mumbai


Most businesses around the world have sought to establish their presence on the internet by registering a domain name that secures their identification in cyberspace as the Internet has grown in popularity and commercialization. There is a larger prevalence of unhealthy rivalry, in which people try to profit from the goodwill associated with others' work by misusing their trade name. Due to the fact that the internet has no bounds, trademark issues emerge. The purpose of this research paper is to look at internet trademark rights, historic cases on cyber-squatting, and Indian trademark law and associated legal remedies. This paper also covers the critical concerns of domain name administration and regulatory methods that would answer the majority of legal complications in cyberspace, enabling seamless and error-free transactions.

Keywords: Domain name disputes, cyberspace, trademark law, cybersquatting


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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