Himanshi Babbar, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
Recently the abrogation of the special status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir guaranteed by Article 370 has led to a nationwide debate upon the legality of the executive action. The questions upon the validity have been raised and many petitions were being filed before the Apex Court challenging the executive action of abrogation of the special status on the grounds of it being violative of the democratic values that are enshrined in the Constitution of India. Thus, it is important to go through the principles enshrined under article 370 of the constitution of India, its merits, the merits of the presidential order barring the special status to the state, and its impact upon the people of Jammu and Kashmir. It is important to see the legality of the said executive action which is studied in this research so as to understand if the action of abrogation of article 370 is in consonance to the principles enshrined in the Constitution of India or it is in derogation to it.
Keywords: Article 370, Democratic Values, Special status.