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A Study On White Collar Crimes In India

S.Moulishwaran, Saveetha School of Law


White collar crime was coined by Edwin Sutherland in 1939. White collar crimes describe a wide variety of financial crimes. The crime that has been committed by the educated people to a higher class of society during occupation. The major objective of the study was how the people were affected by white collar crimes in India. Corruption, fraud, are some of the most common white collar crimes in India as well as all over the world. India is a developing country and white collar crimes are becoming a major cause. It not only affects the financial status of a country or a person but It has also a negative impact on the society. White collar crime is also known as Corporate Crime. White collar crimes are severe to the society by affecting financial loss and higher damage to the people. White-collar crimes make many people a victim at the same time and cause significant financial damage. The problem of the white collar crimes will be accomplished by increasing the security measures. The research method followed is descriptive research. The data is collected through a questionnaire and my sample size is 204. Convenience sampling method is adopted in this study to collect the data. The samples were collected through sending mails to friends and family. The independent variables are gender, age, annual income and education and occupation of respondents. The dependent variables like do you know about white collar crimes, Do you think that the laws in effect are able to control white collar crime, Do you believe White Collar Crimes are more dangerous to individuals or to businesses. The researcher used graphs to analyze the data collected. And my findings are that the age group of 41- 50 aged people agree the most that they are affected by white collar crimes. And I conclude that this progressive approach towards dealing with white- collar crimes in the same way as normal crimes will help countries in reducing the rate of overall crime in society.

Keywords: White collar crime, Business risk, Crime, Black marketing, Ethical profession.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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