G. Tejaswini, BBA LLB (Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Chennai
Child labourers are robbed off of their happy childhood and the fun learning experience in their early years. Children engaged in child labour leave the path of education and forgo the chance of becoming literate. The main aim of the study is to know the cause and impact of child labour. An empirical research is done with the sample size of 204. The sample frame is Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The independent variables are age, gender, marital status, educational qualification and occupation. The dependent variables are reason for child labour, impact of child labour and parent’s education in preventing child labour. To study the causes and impact of child labour parent’s education, poverty, child exploitation and impact on education are some factors that need to be analysed. The main reason for child labour is poverty. The study also finds that the exploitation of children is the major impact of child labour on children.
Keywords: Child labour, Poverty, Causes, Education of parents, Exploitation of children and Education.