K.Thamarai Selvi, B.B.A., LLB(Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, (SIMATS), Saveetha University
G.Jayalakshmi, B.A., LLB(Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University
Child labour is the most inhuman evil practices in the society .The main aim of this research paper is to study child labour and employment of children in urban cities. The largest number of child laborers has been practiced in India throughout the world. The census showed an increase in the number of child laborers from 11.28 million in 1991 to 12.59 million in 2001. Nearly 400,000 children, mostly girls between seven and 14 years of age, toiling for 14-16 hours a day in cottonseed production across the country of which 90% are employed as a labor in Andhra Pradesh. Descriptive research is used. Descriptive research helps to accurately describe the characteristics of a particular individual and situation or group. Convenience sampling method is used to collect the samples. When population elements are selected for inclusion in the sample based on access is called convenience sampling. The statistical tool used is graphical representation .The total number of responses collected in the survey is around 200. It was found that the constitution makes it mandatory for the Government to protect and promote freedoms, and to assure every citizen a decent standard of living. In this study Children are actually future components inside the shape of awesome instructors, scientists, judges, rulers, docs, planners, engineers, politicians on whom the complete society founded (rests). Unfortunately tens of millions of kids are deprived of their childhood and right to training and there via they're subjected to exploitation and abuse.The age of the kid has been in another way described in different laws. The final outcome of the study is that the government has to strict the existing laws to ensure and safeguard the children from being exploited and discriminated against in the name of employment.
Keywords: Child labour, Child Care Worker, Child Care Worker, governmental scheme, and child discrimination