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A Study Of Present Indian Educational System

R.Vijaya Prathiba, BA LLB(Hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science (SIMATS), Chennai


Education is meant to prepare an individual for life, equip him physically, intellectually, and emotionally to deal with the challenges of life with self- assurance, audacity, making the right decisions, and broadening their perspectives. The primary objective of education is to direct the individual to live his life in a useful and in a meaningful way. One of the prevailing problems in the education system in the present existence is the variation in the quality of education; the quality of education tends to be the reflection of prosperity. For a person to prosper in society, education is considered imperative. The main purpose of this research paper is to understand the problems in the Indian education system and its development. For the purpose of this study empirical research is used to accurately portray the development of the Indian educational system. A total of 200 samples have been taken out through the convenience sampling method Independent variables used in the research are age, gender, educational qualification, occupation and marital status. Dependent variables used in the research are enhancement in the education system, preference for future generations. The statistical tools used in the research are graphical representation. From the research survey it is found that there is a need for enhancement in the current educational system in India. Technological tools, technicalities, on the job training have to be implemented in the educational system for the betterment of students in the future. It is also found that the current education system is directed more towards practical approach than that of theoretical approach which is considered to be a positive sign in the Indian educational system.

Keywords: Indian Education System, Significance, Issues, Challenges, development


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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