Nandini Sohoni, RTMNU’s Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Law, Nagpur
Recently Punjab and Haryana High Court in a case stated, “The live-in-relationship nowadays is not a new phenomenon but the society has not evolved to the extent of accepting such relationship without raising the eyebrows to such relationship.”1 It is true that it is not a new phenomenon as the concept of live-in relationship can be traced back to the Vedic period but today even after hundreds of years there is hesitance in the society to accept such relationships. The law around this concept has been majorly developed through judicial interventions. This article deals with the development of the law, the societal perception and the role of judiciary in paving a way forward in protection of the rights of persons in such relationships. This article attempts to show how judicial activism in this area has brought a change in the mindset of people and has also brought some acceptance and that it should no longer be treated as a taboo.