Praveen. B.S., University Law College & Department of Studies in Law, Bangalore University, Bengaluru
India is a well developing country at the same time lots of crime rates were increasing nowadays. There are lots of legislation to stop and control crimes, even though the crime rates are increasing because the punishment is not sufficient for the crimes. The punishment should be server to reduce the crime rate. All punishment is based on the same motive to give penalty for the wrongdoer. there are different kinds of punishment in India such as capital punishment, life imprisonment, imprisonment etc…, capital punishment is known as the most severe form of punishment…this paper says about the status of capital punishment all around the world and also defines the concept of capital offence. It also explains about the modes of capital punishment in India. This article explains two major theories related to capital punishment, namely reformative theory and preventive theory. In this research the researcher the also explained about rarest of rare cases. This article mentioned about abolitionist and retentionist countries, also capital punishment in ancient India. This article has details view about the capital punishment in India and also the methods of execution in India.
Keywords: capital punishment, death penalty, legislation, capital offence, crimes.