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A Morbid Call For And By The Covid Orphans In India

Priyanshi Singh

Priyanshi Singh, Law School, Banaras Hindu University


The plight of the Covid Orphans is explicable and possibly after witnessing such ghastly scenes, the country’s memory will have to carry an indelible mark. The figures of these cases see augmentation every day. But this excruciating pain can be aggravated by unchecked social media posts. They expose the children to threats of human trafficking due to the trending direct adoption pleas. There is a desperate need to make people aware of the procedure of legal adoption in India for two-sided benefit. It can not only save the children but also improve the chances of adoption for genuinely willing parents. This article shall deal with such issues and discuss the various positive regimes taken up by the Governments and the lacunae in it. The article shall also take into account the recent advancements of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in this direction.

Keywords: Covid orphans, adoption, measures, judicial response.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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