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A Jurisprudential Perspective On Contemporary Ideas Of Morality In Law

Debasrita Choudhury, KLE Society’s Law College, Bangalore


The Nazi Courts of second world war Germany that carried out numerous atrocities with State sponsored legal sanctions, a boy illustrated in the masterpiece of Hugo Grotius who suffered rigorous punishments for stealing a loaf of bread to feed a family of eight in extreme poverty, initial reports that claimed homosexual acts of consenting individuals not a crime – at a glance, these instances may seem far from similar. However, they share a common characteristic, all of these occurrences show a turning point between the interrelation of law and morality. They give rise to moral dilemmas, and questions the existing legislatures. Some jurists like Fuller, Dworkin have opined that law and morality are deeply connected, whereas jurists like HLA Hart disagree saying there is no rational or logical connection between them. Is there really a place for morality in rule of law? This essay attempts to answer these questions from the viewpoint of the author.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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