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A Critical Study Of The Parliament’s Power To Legislate On State Subjects

Kashish Vaishnavi, Symbiosis International University


This research paper explores the complex and dynamic field of legislative jurisdiction under federal systems, with a particular emphasis on the Parliament's power to enact legislation on matters falling under the jurisdiction of state governments. The allocation of legislative powers between central and state authorities is a fundamental aspect of constitutional governance within the framework of federalism. This study aims to investigate the degree to which the Parliament, in its sovereign position, can infringe onto matters that fall under the jurisdiction of individual states, and the potential consequences of such infringements on the intricate power dynamics inherent in federal systems. This comprehensive evaluation entails a scrutiny of pertinent legal laws, significant judicial rulings, and constitutional concepts that regulate the allocation of legislative powers within the particular framework of India, but also holding broader significance for federal systems globally. This study explores the historical progression of the doctrine of legislative competence and its impact on the dynamics of center-state interactions throughout different periods. In addition, this paper examines the socio-political implications of legislative overreach by the Parliament into areas that fall under the jurisdiction of individual states. These implications encompass possible confrontations, administrative intricacies, and the gradual reduction of states' autonomy. This study also examines the function of judicial review in the interpretation and protection of the federal structure by examining the legality of legislation pertaining to matters under state jurisdiction. The study underscores the need of preserving the intricate balance between central and state governments within a federal system, placing emphasis on the necessity for distinct delineation of legislative powers, efficient means for resolving disputes, and the value of collaborative federalism. This analysis provides valuable perspectives on the difficulties encountered by federal systems in preserving this balance amidst changing social, economic, and political circumstances. In summary, this research paper makes a valuable contribution to the current academic discussion on federalism. It offers a thorough examination of the Parliament's authority to enact legislation pertaining to matters within the jurisdiction of the states. Moreover, it adopts a critical standpoint that emphasises the importance of constitutional caution and collaborative governance within federal systems. This statement illuminates the dynamic character of federalism and emphasises the importance of maintaining a balanced relationship between central and state governments, while upholding the fundamental ideals of federalism.


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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