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A Critical Analysis Of Utilisation Of Political Funds By Trade Union In India And UK: Special Reference To AITUC And UNISON

Praveen.A. S, B.A.LL.B. (Hons), Tamil Nadu National Law University, Trichy


Trade unions play a major role in expressing their member's concerns and establishing members' rights against employers or the government. Initially, trade unions only participated in labor negotiations. Now, the trade union plays a bigger role in the politics and governance. Trade unions were now acting as prominent figures in politics. They regularly interact with the political parties and give their support during the election. The members of the trade union were participating in the local body and legislative elections. The Trade Union Act 1926 section 16 deals with the rights of the trade union to establish the political funds separately for its members' political participation in instances like during the time of Nominations and campaigns. The concept of political funds has different characteristics depending on the country.The Political contribution Witnessed many changes in countries like America and Britain. Initially, they did not recognize the political funds but later acted to recognize them. This research project will give a complete analysis of the transformation of the political funds in different countries and their impact on labor welfare. However, the political funds face some criticism related to their usage.

Keywords: Political Objectives, Political Fund, Campaigns, Labour Party, Labour welfare,


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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