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A Critical Analysis Of The Right To Privacy

Writer: IJLLR JournalIJLLR Journal

Maitreyi Mishra, KIIT School of Law


The connection between the individual and the elements with whom the person shares his/her own information is one that depends on a basic assumption of trust. Despite any authoritative relationship, an individual anticipates that her own information will be utilized genuinely, in a way that satisfies his/her advantage also, is actually predictable. This is the sign of a trustee relationship and also shows the right to choose whether to share information with someone or not that a person has. It becomes necessary to consider what privacy is in order to comprehend the Right to Privacy. The right to live without unjustified interference by the public in matters with which the public is not necessarily concerned is defined as follows by Black's Law Dictionary: "right to be left alone; the right of a person to be free from any unwarranted publicity."


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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