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A Critical Analysis Of Attempt To Suicide

Writer: IJLLR JournalIJLLR Journal

Diya H, School of Law Christ Deemed To Be University


The term is derived from the words 'sui' (self) and 'cide' (killing). Suicide is an unnatural act of taking one's own life, also known as self-murder, that results in death. This article focuses on the act of suicide and the causes that may be unavoidable for some people while others overcome the phase. The paper discusses the reasons in detail, its concept under Indian law, and recent developments under the law. It emphasises the evolution of the Court's views over time, from viewing suicide as a criminal act that sets a bad example for society to protecting survivors under the recently enacted Mental Health Care Act, which has been widely praised.

"Do Not Punish The Helpless. Help The Helpless" - Justice Shri Jahagirdar

For a person who wishes to commit suicide, the fear of uncertain mortality is less than the fear of suffering in sorrow during their lifetime. It is the last resort for them.

Keywords: Suicide, Attempt to Suicide, Mental health, Unnatural


Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research

Abbreviation: IJLLR

ISSN: 2582-8878


Accessibility: Open Access

License: Creative Commons 4.0

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